

enterprise-applications on terminals

User Guide
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View the Project on GitHub freakout42/formax

Production release macrocalc-v2.2.0

What is a form?

A form is a fill-in-the-blanks template on your computer screen that allows you to enter, update, delete and query information in a database. Forms are composed of blocks, records and fields.

Forms and the database

When you run formax you will be entering, modifying, or deleting data contained in a database. The database organizes data into tables of related information. These tables ar made up of rows and columns (like a spreadsheet).

When you retrieve data into a form (execute a query), each record that is displayed comes from a row in a table. Therefore, if you enter, modify, or delete a record, your action causes a corresponding row in table to be entered, modified, or deleted.

Screen (output)

A typical formax screen displays explantory text and fields that accept data values. At the top of the screen is a status line that can also display messages and acts as the place for entering and updating data.

Status line

From left to right, the status line contains:

 (1) (2)    (3)  (4)  (5) (6)(7) (8)    (9) (10)
   1-scotty axel emps id  1/  14 Update Ins Enter-Query
 (1) Form number
 (2) Form name
 (3) Logged-in user
 (4) Block name
 (5) Field name
 (6) Active record number
 (7) Number of records retrieved by a query
 (8) Mode (Insert, Query, Update, Delete)
 (9) Character mode (Ins or Rep)
(10) Action for the Enter/Commit key

Status and mode

As the status line indicates, the form has always a current form, block, field, record and mode. The current mode determines the action that will be processed with the current data (block, field, record) by using the keyboard.

Keyboard (input)

When you are running formax, the keyboard is the only input method for the form. There is no slow menu, mouse or touch interface - the fingers never leave the keyboard - this is the reason for the unmatched efficiency and ergonomics. You will press certain keys to move the cursor, enter or modify data, or signal your computer to store information. The keys can be grouped into the following categories:

Basic tasks

Editing a field - Edit-Mode

In Edit-Mode the current fields text is displayed in the status line and can be modified. The current fields text is still visible on the screen. To cancel the changes press [Esc]. Edit-Mode is activated by pressing any character key with new text and by pressing [Left] or [Right] to modify the text from the right or left respectively. Any navigational key or [Enter] will save the text to the field.

Retrieving records - Query-Mode

Press [F10] to activate Query-Mode or simply [Enter] in Update-Mode. It is clearly signaled with turquois background fields. Edit the text in the respective fields that should match the data you want to retrieve. You can use exact values like numbers (ie: 309) or text (ie: Hank), or comma separated lists (ie: 309,507,1003) or ranges (ie: 2000-4000). Tilde prefix will search for textparts (ie: ~mountain). [Enter] will start the query and goes into Update-Mode.

Modifying a record - Update-Mode

In Update-Mode which is activated after a search you can browse through the retrieved records with the [Up] [Down] [PageUp] [PageDn] keys. It is signaled with magenta background fields. To navigate between the fields use the [Tab] and [Backtab] and the speed keys [Shift+1-9]. To edit the current field (blue background) start typing character keys or use [Left] or [Right] to move the cursor in the text. [Enter] will save the text to the field. [Esc] cancels the changes.

Inserting a record - Insert-Mode

Since this is the major used action most forms start in this mode. It is clearly signaled with yellow background fields. Press [F6|Ins] to activate Insert-Mode manually with a new record. [Enter] will save the new record. [Esc] cancels the changes. The [F3] and [F4] keys copy data from a previous record.

Deleting a record - Delete-Mode

Press [F7|Del] to activate Delete-Mode. It is clearly signaled with red-blinking background fields. [Enter] will delete the record. [Esc] cancels the action.

Keyboard alternative [Ctrl] keys

Every Navigation-, Function- and Action-Key has an alternative [Ctrl+A-Z] key. In case of a missing special key on a specific keyboard or when you prefer to use the character keys, these can be used. In this table you find also the keys action in Edit-Mode if it has a different action there.

Key Ctrl+ Function Edit-Mode
[F1] [Ctrl+@] Help  
[Home] [Ctrl+a] Previous block Begin of line
[Left] [Ctrl+b] Edit field from end Previous char
[F2] [Ctrl+c] Copy  
[Del] [Ctrl+d] Delete record Delete char
[End] [Ctrl+e] Next block End of line
[Right] [Ctrl+f] Edit field Next char
[Backtab] [Ctrl+g] Previous field  
[Backspace] [Ctrl+h] Delete record Delete left
[Tab] [Ctrl+i] Next field  
[Ins] [Ctrl+j] Insert record Mode Ins/Rep
[F7][Del] [Ctrl+k] Delete record Delete char
[F0] [Ctrl+l] Refresh  
[Enter] [Ctrl+m] Accept Commit Ok  
[Down] [Ctrl+n] Next record  
[F6] [Ctrl+o] Insert record  
[Up] [Ctrl+p] Previous record  
[PageUp] [Ctrl+r] Previous record set  
[F4] [Ctrl+t] Copy record  
[F5] [Ctrl+u] List of values  
[F3] [Ctrl+v] Paste / Copy field  
[PageDn] [Ctrl+w] Next record set  
[F10] [Ctrl+x] Query  
[F9] [Ctrl+y] Rollback Cancel  
[F8] [Ctrl+z] Save and exit