

enterprise-applications on terminals

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View the Project on GitHub freakout42/formax

Production release macrocalc-v2.2.0


formax is implemented in pure C++. Interface to the user is solely done with curses-lib. Interface to the database is solely through ODBC. Both libraries are not used directly but wrapped by the Screen and Record classes. Record is a simple ORM inspired by rails ActiceRecord. The form-database is a sqlite-database. The form generator builds a SQL script that creates the default form database and can be edited to change the default behaviour.


runform.cpp holds main() and has the only OS-interfaces for running and checking the command line. Exceptions are the logging module which uses sqlite3 dirctly and the screen editor which uses a temporary file. record.cpp calls ODBC and provides an interface in an ORM style like rails active-record. screen.cpp calls curses. All the other sources are pure C++ without any external library calls. For every main object is an r-source for reading the form database and a separate source for the class. The central Function class holds all the event functions.

Variable names

One character variable names (pattern like jquery $) are used for some fundamental values:

V Description Type Source
a global buffer BIGSIZE Variable runform.h
b blocks array Variable form.h
c query result transfer Type qdata.h
d query result data Variable qdata.h
e error messages array Type rerror.h
f current Form object Variable runform.h
i loop integer j,k Variable  
g logger Variable logger.h
l fields array Variable form.h
n query result to_int Type qdata.h
p pages array Variable form.h
q query result object Type qdata.h
r trigger array Variable form.h
s status integer Variable  
t char* target with size Macro runform.h
v query result string Type qdata.h
w query result pointer Method qdata.h
y curses stdscr window Type screen.h

Coding Style

Sourcecode lines are grouped into blocks of maximum 40 lines. These groups have a top comment which explains the purpose. Other commenting is only on special cases. Code should be short and self explaining by good variable names.

2 spaces indenting is used and the top level of functions is not indented. Use 1 space between keyword and opening bracket. Do not use space between function name and opening bracket. Opening curly bracket is always at the same line as keyword (for, while, do, switch, if, …). Bool is not compared : on if (ispresent == NULL) or (isempty[0] == ‘\0’) just use !ispresent or *isempty. Omit curly brackets after compound statements when possible.



Parser for a natural query language. Translats human properties to SQL where clauses.


Regular expression engine for validating user entered data.


Javascript engine for 3GL triggers.


Microemacs editor for editing.


A collection of small crypto tools like md5